Insa revisited

Above is a sketch by a dead German artist by Hans Bellmer

Beloware some commercial prints by Insa (i.e he profits from them)

 Below is an excerpt from a Graphotism interview


(Insa) It started from making a piece where Insa was spelt out in high heels. That came from actually holding a shoe. I thought that there had to be every letter in there and started looking. I started to think about graffiti work I could do using the high heel shape, it's just a great object to paint. The high heels seemed a good idea because of the ideas I have about graffiti being a fetish and the obsession I have with the four letters I N S A - constantly dressing them up and drawing their curves. So to represent these ideas I replaced them with a fetishised object and played around with it like I would my letters. At the moment, rather than painting the heels on a stretch canvas I'm using stretch PVC to make the canvas an object of desire. There are so many parallels to play with.

I also love paining ladies and some of the artists that I love the most paint pin up style work like Koop and Sorayama's 80's airbrush ladies. I understand that the objectification of women is wrong and glamorizing it is wrong, but at the same time I know that it's wrong to buy Nike, they're the devil, but it doesn't stop me lusting after a new pair of Air Force 1's.